The Twice-Monthly Electronic Newsletter on the Biology of Tissue Factor, Factor VII and TFPI
Vol. 18, No. 16 August 15, 2012
TRIGGER is also available by RSS Feed:
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None Submitted for this issue.
TRIGGER is edited by Jim Morrissey and Pierre Neuenschwander, with editorial assistance by Genie Morrissey. It includes Abstracts of Papers in Press, Meeting Announcements, Positions Sought/Available,or any other pertinent item that subscribers may want to share with their colleagues. To submit an item for publication in Trigger, e-mail us. To request or cancel a subscription,or for more information about TRIGGER or the biology of tissue factor and factor VII, visit our web site. You can also contact us by mail: J.H. Morrissey, University of Illinois College of Medicine, 417 Med Sci Bldg MC-714, 506 S. Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL 61801, USA.
DISCLAIMER: TRIGGER is provided "as is" for information purposes only and without warranty of any kind, express or implied. Users shall assume the entire risk as to the accuracy and usefulness of information in TRIGGER. Opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of the editors or their employers. You may share TRIGGER with your scientific colleagues but you are not permitted to use it or its contents for commercial purposes.
The Twice-Monthly Electronic Newsletter on the Biology of Tissue Factor, Factor VII and TFPI
Vol. 18, No. 16 August 15, 2012
(The next issue will be on September 3, 2012)
TRIGGER is also available by RSS Feed:
and BLOG:
None Submitted for this issue.
Papers are culled from NLM MedLine (PubMed). Titles in square brackets indicate that the paper was not published in English. References that lack volume or page numbers are typically electronic pre-publications (E-pubs) ahead of the print publication; if so, the final citation with volume and page numbers may or may not appear in a future issue of Trigger.
Alonso A, Tang W, Agarwal SK, Soliman EZ, Chamberlain AM, Folsom AR (2012) Hemostatic markers are associated with the risk and prognosis of atrial fibrillation: the ARIC study. Int J Cardiol 155:217-222.
Arderiu G, Pena E, Aledo R, Espinosa S, Badimon L (2012) Ets-1 transcription is required in tissue factor driven microvessel formation and stabilization. Angiogenesis.
Barbieri SS, Amadio P, Gianellini S, Tarantino E, Zacchi E, Veglia F, . . . Tremoli E (2012) Cyclooxygenase-2-Derived Prostacyclin Regulates Arterial Thrombus Formation by Suppressing Tissue Factor in a SIRT1-Dependent-Manner. Circulation.
Barcelo A, Pierola J, de la Pena M, Esquinas C, Sanchez-de la Torre M, Ayllon O, . . . Barbe F (2012) Day-night variations in endothelial dysfunction markers and haemostatic factors in sleep apnoea. Eur Respir J 39:913-918.
Benesic A, Rahm NL, Ernst S, Gerbes AL (2012) Human monocyte-derived cells with individual hepatocyte characteristics: a novel tool for personalized in vitro studies. Lab Invest 92:926-936.
Boltzen U, Eisenreich A, Antoniak S, Weithaeuser A, Fechner H, Poller W, . . . Rauch U (2012) Alternatively spliced tissue factor and full-length tissue factor protect cardiomyocytes against TNF-alpha-induced apoptosis. J Mol Cell Cardiol 52:1056-1065.
Bratseth V, Pettersen AA, Opstad TB, Arnesen H, Seljeflot I (2012) Markers of hypercoagulability in CAD patients. Effects of single aspirin and clopidogrel treatment. Thromb J 10:12.
Callum JL, Rizoli S (2012) Plasma transfusion for patients with severe hemorrhage: what is the evidence? Transfusion 52 Suppl 1:30S-37S.
Cvirn G, Schlagenhauf A, Leschnik B, Koestenberger M, Roessler A, Jantscher A, . . . Goswami N (2012) Coagulation Changes during Presyncope and Recovery. PLoS One 7:e42221.
Elmahmoudi H, Ben-Lakhal F, Elborji W, Jlizi A, Zahra K, Sassi R, . . . Gouider E (2012) Identification of genetic defects underlying FVII deficiency in 10 patients belonging to eight unrelated families of the North provinces from Tunisia. Diagn Pathol 7:92.
Emin MT, Sun L, Huertas A, Das S, Bhattacharya J, Bhattacharya S (2012) Platelets induce endothelial tissue factor expression in a mouse model of acid-induced lung injury. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 302:L1209-1220.
Fiore M, Firah N, Pillois X, Nurden P, Heilig R, Nurden AT (2012) Natural history of platelet antibody formation against alphaIIbbeta3 in a French cohort of Glanzmann thrombasthenia patients. Haemophilia 18:e201-209.
Gambone JE, Owens AP, 3rd, Mackman N (2011) Comment on "tissue factor-dependent chemokine production aggravates experimental colitis". Mol Med 17:1131; author reply 1132.
Gao C, Xie R, Yu C, Wang Q, Shi F, Yao C, . . . Shi J (2012) Procoagulant activity of erythrocytes and platelets through phosphatidylserine exposure and microparticles release in patients with nephrotic syndrome. Thromb Haemost 107:681-689.
Geiser F, Gessler K, Conrad R, Imbierowicz K, Albus C, Harbrecht U
(2012) Can activation of coagulation and impairment of fibrinolysis in patients with anxiety and depression be reversed after improvement of psychiatric symptoms?: results of a pilot study. J Nerv Ment Dis 200:721-723.
Hosoya Y, Matsumura M, Madoiwa S, Zuiki T, Matsumoto S, Nunomiya S, . . . Yasuda Y (2012) Acquired hemophilia A caused by factor VIII inhibitors: report of a case. Surg Today.
Ilmakunnas M, Louhimo J, Lassila R (2012) [Dabigatran and emergency operation on a peritonitis patient]. Duodecim 128:753-757.
Imberti R, Pietrobono L, Klersy C, Gamba G, Iotti G, Cornara G (2012) Intraoperative intravenous administration of rFVIIa and hematoma volume after early surgery for spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: a randomized prospective phase II study. Minerva Anestesiol 78:168-175.
Jin Y, Wang M, Zheng F, Xie Y, Xie H, Xu XP (2012) [Molecular genetics and clinical features of nine patients with inherited coagulation factor VII deficiency]. Zhonghua Yi Xue Yi Chuan Xue Za Zhi 29:404-407.
Ma X, Ye B, Gao F, Liang Q, Dong Q, Liu Y, . . . Yi S (2012) Tissue factor knockdown in porcine islets: an effective approach to suppressing the instant blood-mediated inflammatory reaction. Cell Transplant 21:61-71.
Mariani G, Dolce A, Napolitano M, Ingerslev J, Giansily-Blaizot M, Di Minno MD, . . . Batorova A (2012) Invasive procedures and minor surgery in factor VII deficiency. Haemophilia 18:e63-65.
McQuilten ZK, Barnes C, Zatta A, Phillips LE (2012) Off-label use of recombinant factor VIIa in pediatric patients. Pediatrics 129:e1533-1540.
Milella RA, Antonacci D, Crupi P, Incampo F, Carrieri C, Semeraro N, Colucci M (2012) Skin extracts from 2 italian table grapes (italia and palieri) inhibit tissue factor expression by human blood mononuclear cells. J Food Sci 77:H154-159.
Mitrophanov AY, Rosendaal FR, Reifman J (2012) Therapeutic correction of thrombin generation in dilution-induced coagulopathy: Computational analysis based on a data set of healthy subjects. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 73:S95-S102.
Montiel-Davalos A, Ventura-Gallegos JL, Alfaro-Moreno E, Soria-Castro E, Garcia-Latorre E, Cabanas-Moreno JG, . . . Lopez-Marure R (2012) TiO(2) nanoparticles induce dysfunction and activation of human endothelial cells. Chem Res Toxicol 25:920-930.
Morfini M, Jimenez-Yuste V, Eichler H, Fischer R, Kirchmaier CM, Scharling B, Bjerre J (2012) Pharmacokinetic properties of two different recombinant activated factor VII formulations. Haemophilia 18:431-436.
Mulder R, ten Kate MK, Kluin-Nelemans HC, Mulder AB (2012) PROS1 Heerlen polymorphism is associated with increased free plasma tissue factor pathway inhibitor levels. Thromb Haemost 107:594-596.
Onwuemene O, Green D, Keith L (2012) Postpartum hemorrhage management in 2012: Predicting the future. Int J Gynaecol Obstet.
Owens AP, 3rd, Mackman N (2012) Role of Tissue Factor in Atherothrombosis. Curr Atheroscler Rep.
Palmason R, Vidarsson B, Sigvaldason K, Ingimarsson JP, Gudbjartsson T, Sigurdsson GH, Onundarson PT (2012) Recombinant factor VIIa as last-resort treatment of desperate haemorrhage. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 56:636-644.
Parahuleva MS, Holschermann H, Zandt D, Pons-Kuhnemann J, Parviz B, Weiskirchen R, . . . Kanse SM (2012) Circulating Factor VII Activating Protease (FSAP) Is Associated With Clinical Outcome in Acute Coronary Syndrome. Circ J.
Parahuleva MS, Langanke E, Holschermann H, Parviz B, Abdallah Y, Stracke S, . . . Kanse SM (2012) Nicotine Modulation of Factor VII Activating Protease (FSAP) Expression in Human Monocytes. J Atheroscler Thromb.
Qi L, Li J, Sun H, Huang X, Lin K, Chu J, Yang Z (2012) [Association between gene polymorphisms and myocardial infarction in Han Chinese of Yunnan province]. Zhonghua Yi Xue Yi Chuan Xue Za Zhi 29:413-419.
Ravon M, Berrera M, Ebeling M, Certa U (2012) Single base mismatches in the mRNA target site allow specific seed region-mediated off-target binding of siRNA targeting human coagulation factor 7. RNA Biol 9:87-97.
Ruiz-Saez A (2012) Thrombosis in rare bleeding disorders. Hematology
17 Suppl 1:S156-158.
Samkova A, Blatny J, Fiamoli V, Dulicek P, Parizkova E (2012) Significance and causes of abnormal preoperative coagulation test results in children. Haemophilia 18:e297-301.
Sasmaz I, Antmen B, Leblebisatan G, Sahin Karagun B, Kilinc Y, Tuncer R (2012) Circumcision and complications in patients with haemophilia in southern part of Turkey: Cukurova experience. Haemophilia 18:426-430.
Schlunk F, Van Cott EM, Hayakawa K, Pfeilschifter W, Lo EH, Foerch C
(2012) Recombinant activated coagulation factor VII and prothrombin complex concentrates are equally effective in reducing hematoma volume in experimental warfarin-associated intracerebral hemorrhage. Stroke 43:246-249.
Shapiro A, Cooper DL (2012) U.S. survey of surgical capabilities and experience with surgical procedures in patients with congenital haemophilia with inhibitors. Haemophilia 18:400-405.
Stocchetti N (2012) Spontaneous intracerebral hematoma: can we move beyond clot's removal? Minerva Anestesiol 78:142-143.
Trappenburg MC, van Schilfgaarde M, Frerichs FC, Spronk HM, ten Cate H, de Fijter CW, . . . Leyte A (2012) Chronic renal failure is accompanied by endothelial activation and a large increase in microparticle numbers with reduced procoagulant capacity. Nephrol Dial Transplant 27:1446-1453.
Viswabandya A, Baidya S, Nair SC, Abraham A, George B, Mathews V, . . . Srivastava A (2012) Correlating clinical manifestations with factor levels in rare bleeding disorders: a report from Southern India. Haemophilia 18:e195-200.
Xu Y, Qin X, Zhou J, Tu Z, Bi X, Li W, . . . Zhang Y (2011) Tissue factor pathway inhibitor-2 inhibits the growth and invasion of hepatocellular carcinoma cells and is inactivated in human hepatocellular carcinoma. Oncol Lett 2:779-783.
Young G, Shapiro AD, Walsh CE, Gruppo RA, Gut RZ, Cooper DL (2012) Patient/caregiver-reported recombinant factor VIIa (rFVIIa) dosing: home treatment of acute bleeds in the Dosing Observational Study in Hemophilia (DOSE). Haemophilia 18:392-399.
Zhou W, Schwarting S, Illanes S, Liesz A, Middelhoff M, Zorn M, . . .
Veltkamp R (2011) Hemostatic therapy in experimental intracerebral hemorrhage associated with the direct thrombin inhibitor dabigatran. Stroke 42:3594-3599.
Alonso A, Tang W, Agarwal SK, Soliman EZ, Chamberlain AM, Folsom AR (2012) Hemostatic markers are associated with the risk and prognosis of atrial fibrillation: the ARIC study. Int J Cardiol 155:217-222.
Arderiu G, Pena E, Aledo R, Espinosa S, Badimon L (2012) Ets-1 transcription is required in tissue factor driven microvessel formation and stabilization. Angiogenesis.
Barbieri SS, Amadio P, Gianellini S, Tarantino E, Zacchi E, Veglia F, . . . Tremoli E (2012) Cyclooxygenase-2-Derived Prostacyclin Regulates Arterial Thrombus Formation by Suppressing Tissue Factor in a SIRT1-Dependent-Manner. Circulation.
Barcelo A, Pierola J, de la Pena M, Esquinas C, Sanchez-de la Torre M, Ayllon O, . . . Barbe F (2012) Day-night variations in endothelial dysfunction markers and haemostatic factors in sleep apnoea. Eur Respir J 39:913-918.
Benesic A, Rahm NL, Ernst S, Gerbes AL (2012) Human monocyte-derived cells with individual hepatocyte characteristics: a novel tool for personalized in vitro studies. Lab Invest 92:926-936.
Boltzen U, Eisenreich A, Antoniak S, Weithaeuser A, Fechner H, Poller W, . . . Rauch U (2012) Alternatively spliced tissue factor and full-length tissue factor protect cardiomyocytes against TNF-alpha-induced apoptosis. J Mol Cell Cardiol 52:1056-1065.
Bratseth V, Pettersen AA, Opstad TB, Arnesen H, Seljeflot I (2012) Markers of hypercoagulability in CAD patients. Effects of single aspirin and clopidogrel treatment. Thromb J 10:12.
Callum JL, Rizoli S (2012) Plasma transfusion for patients with severe hemorrhage: what is the evidence? Transfusion 52 Suppl 1:30S-37S.
Cvirn G, Schlagenhauf A, Leschnik B, Koestenberger M, Roessler A, Jantscher A, . . . Goswami N (2012) Coagulation Changes during Presyncope and Recovery. PLoS One 7:e42221.
Elmahmoudi H, Ben-Lakhal F, Elborji W, Jlizi A, Zahra K, Sassi R, . . . Gouider E (2012) Identification of genetic defects underlying FVII deficiency in 10 patients belonging to eight unrelated families of the North provinces from Tunisia. Diagn Pathol 7:92.
Emin MT, Sun L, Huertas A, Das S, Bhattacharya J, Bhattacharya S (2012) Platelets induce endothelial tissue factor expression in a mouse model of acid-induced lung injury. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 302:L1209-1220.
Fiore M, Firah N, Pillois X, Nurden P, Heilig R, Nurden AT (2012) Natural history of platelet antibody formation against alphaIIbbeta3 in a French cohort of Glanzmann thrombasthenia patients. Haemophilia 18:e201-209.
Gambone JE, Owens AP, 3rd, Mackman N (2011) Comment on "tissue factor-dependent chemokine production aggravates experimental colitis". Mol Med 17:1131; author reply 1132.
Gao C, Xie R, Yu C, Wang Q, Shi F, Yao C, . . . Shi J (2012) Procoagulant activity of erythrocytes and platelets through phosphatidylserine exposure and microparticles release in patients with nephrotic syndrome. Thromb Haemost 107:681-689.
Geiser F, Gessler K, Conrad R, Imbierowicz K, Albus C, Harbrecht U
(2012) Can activation of coagulation and impairment of fibrinolysis in patients with anxiety and depression be reversed after improvement of psychiatric symptoms?: results of a pilot study. J Nerv Ment Dis 200:721-723.
Hosoya Y, Matsumura M, Madoiwa S, Zuiki T, Matsumoto S, Nunomiya S, . . . Yasuda Y (2012) Acquired hemophilia A caused by factor VIII inhibitors: report of a case. Surg Today.
Ilmakunnas M, Louhimo J, Lassila R (2012) [Dabigatran and emergency operation on a peritonitis patient]. Duodecim 128:753-757.
Imberti R, Pietrobono L, Klersy C, Gamba G, Iotti G, Cornara G (2012) Intraoperative intravenous administration of rFVIIa and hematoma volume after early surgery for spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: a randomized prospective phase II study. Minerva Anestesiol 78:168-175.
Jin Y, Wang M, Zheng F, Xie Y, Xie H, Xu XP (2012) [Molecular genetics and clinical features of nine patients with inherited coagulation factor VII deficiency]. Zhonghua Yi Xue Yi Chuan Xue Za Zhi 29:404-407.
Ma X, Ye B, Gao F, Liang Q, Dong Q, Liu Y, . . . Yi S (2012) Tissue factor knockdown in porcine islets: an effective approach to suppressing the instant blood-mediated inflammatory reaction. Cell Transplant 21:61-71.
Mariani G, Dolce A, Napolitano M, Ingerslev J, Giansily-Blaizot M, Di Minno MD, . . . Batorova A (2012) Invasive procedures and minor surgery in factor VII deficiency. Haemophilia 18:e63-65.
McQuilten ZK, Barnes C, Zatta A, Phillips LE (2012) Off-label use of recombinant factor VIIa in pediatric patients. Pediatrics 129:e1533-1540.
Milella RA, Antonacci D, Crupi P, Incampo F, Carrieri C, Semeraro N, Colucci M (2012) Skin extracts from 2 italian table grapes (italia and palieri) inhibit tissue factor expression by human blood mononuclear cells. J Food Sci 77:H154-159.
Mitrophanov AY, Rosendaal FR, Reifman J (2012) Therapeutic correction of thrombin generation in dilution-induced coagulopathy: Computational analysis based on a data set of healthy subjects. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 73:S95-S102.
Montiel-Davalos A, Ventura-Gallegos JL, Alfaro-Moreno E, Soria-Castro E, Garcia-Latorre E, Cabanas-Moreno JG, . . . Lopez-Marure R (2012) TiO(2) nanoparticles induce dysfunction and activation of human endothelial cells. Chem Res Toxicol 25:920-930.
Morfini M, Jimenez-Yuste V, Eichler H, Fischer R, Kirchmaier CM, Scharling B, Bjerre J (2012) Pharmacokinetic properties of two different recombinant activated factor VII formulations. Haemophilia 18:431-436.
Mulder R, ten Kate MK, Kluin-Nelemans HC, Mulder AB (2012) PROS1 Heerlen polymorphism is associated with increased free plasma tissue factor pathway inhibitor levels. Thromb Haemost 107:594-596.
Onwuemene O, Green D, Keith L (2012) Postpartum hemorrhage management in 2012: Predicting the future. Int J Gynaecol Obstet.
Owens AP, 3rd, Mackman N (2012) Role of Tissue Factor in Atherothrombosis. Curr Atheroscler Rep.
Palmason R, Vidarsson B, Sigvaldason K, Ingimarsson JP, Gudbjartsson T, Sigurdsson GH, Onundarson PT (2012) Recombinant factor VIIa as last-resort treatment of desperate haemorrhage. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 56:636-644.
Parahuleva MS, Holschermann H, Zandt D, Pons-Kuhnemann J, Parviz B, Weiskirchen R, . . . Kanse SM (2012) Circulating Factor VII Activating Protease (FSAP) Is Associated With Clinical Outcome in Acute Coronary Syndrome. Circ J.
Parahuleva MS, Langanke E, Holschermann H, Parviz B, Abdallah Y, Stracke S, . . . Kanse SM (2012) Nicotine Modulation of Factor VII Activating Protease (FSAP) Expression in Human Monocytes. J Atheroscler Thromb.
Qi L, Li J, Sun H, Huang X, Lin K, Chu J, Yang Z (2012) [Association between gene polymorphisms and myocardial infarction in Han Chinese of Yunnan province]. Zhonghua Yi Xue Yi Chuan Xue Za Zhi 29:413-419.
Ravon M, Berrera M, Ebeling M, Certa U (2012) Single base mismatches in the mRNA target site allow specific seed region-mediated off-target binding of siRNA targeting human coagulation factor 7. RNA Biol 9:87-97.
Ruiz-Saez A (2012) Thrombosis in rare bleeding disorders. Hematology
17 Suppl 1:S156-158.
Samkova A, Blatny J, Fiamoli V, Dulicek P, Parizkova E (2012) Significance and causes of abnormal preoperative coagulation test results in children. Haemophilia 18:e297-301.
Sasmaz I, Antmen B, Leblebisatan G, Sahin Karagun B, Kilinc Y, Tuncer R (2012) Circumcision and complications in patients with haemophilia in southern part of Turkey: Cukurova experience. Haemophilia 18:426-430.
Schlunk F, Van Cott EM, Hayakawa K, Pfeilschifter W, Lo EH, Foerch C
(2012) Recombinant activated coagulation factor VII and prothrombin complex concentrates are equally effective in reducing hematoma volume in experimental warfarin-associated intracerebral hemorrhage. Stroke 43:246-249.
Shapiro A, Cooper DL (2012) U.S. survey of surgical capabilities and experience with surgical procedures in patients with congenital haemophilia with inhibitors. Haemophilia 18:400-405.
Stocchetti N (2012) Spontaneous intracerebral hematoma: can we move beyond clot's removal? Minerva Anestesiol 78:142-143.
Trappenburg MC, van Schilfgaarde M, Frerichs FC, Spronk HM, ten Cate H, de Fijter CW, . . . Leyte A (2012) Chronic renal failure is accompanied by endothelial activation and a large increase in microparticle numbers with reduced procoagulant capacity. Nephrol Dial Transplant 27:1446-1453.
Viswabandya A, Baidya S, Nair SC, Abraham A, George B, Mathews V, . . . Srivastava A (2012) Correlating clinical manifestations with factor levels in rare bleeding disorders: a report from Southern India. Haemophilia 18:e195-200.
Xu Y, Qin X, Zhou J, Tu Z, Bi X, Li W, . . . Zhang Y (2011) Tissue factor pathway inhibitor-2 inhibits the growth and invasion of hepatocellular carcinoma cells and is inactivated in human hepatocellular carcinoma. Oncol Lett 2:779-783.
Young G, Shapiro AD, Walsh CE, Gruppo RA, Gut RZ, Cooper DL (2012) Patient/caregiver-reported recombinant factor VIIa (rFVIIa) dosing: home treatment of acute bleeds in the Dosing Observational Study in Hemophilia (DOSE). Haemophilia 18:392-399.
Zhou W, Schwarting S, Illanes S, Liesz A, Middelhoff M, Zorn M, . . .
Veltkamp R (2011) Hemostatic therapy in experimental intracerebral hemorrhage associated with the direct thrombin inhibitor dabigatran. Stroke 42:3594-3599.
TRIGGER is edited by Jim Morrissey and Pierre Neuenschwander, with editorial assistance by Genie Morrissey. It includes Abstracts of Papers in Press, Meeting Announcements, Positions Sought/Available,or any other pertinent item that subscribers may want to share with their colleagues. To submit an item for publication in Trigger, e-mail us. To request or cancel a subscription,or for more information about TRIGGER or the biology of tissue factor and factor VII, visit our web site. You can also contact us by mail: J.H. Morrissey, University of Illinois College of Medicine, 417 Med Sci Bldg MC-714, 506 S. Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL 61801, USA.
DISCLAIMER: TRIGGER is provided "as is" for information purposes only and without warranty of any kind, express or implied. Users shall assume the entire risk as to the accuracy and usefulness of information in TRIGGER. Opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of the editors or their employers. You may share TRIGGER with your scientific colleagues but you are not permitted to use it or its contents for commercial purposes.
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