The Twice-Monthly Electronic Newsletter on the Biology of Tissue Factor, Factor VII and TFPI
Vol. 18, No. 22 November 15, 2012
TRIGGER is also available by RSS Feed:
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None Submitted for this issue.
POSTDOCTORAL POSITION - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
TRIGGER is edited by Jim Morrissey and Pierre Neuenschwander, with editorial assistance by Genie Morrissey. It includes Abstracts of Papers in Press, Meeting Announcements, Positions Sought/Available,or any other pertinent item that subscribers may want to share with their colleagues. To submit an item for publication in Trigger, e-mail us. To request or cancel a subscription,or for more information about TRIGGER or the biology of tissue factor and factor VII, visit our web site. You can also contact us by mail: J.H. Morrissey, University of Illinois College of Medicine, 417 Med Sci Bldg MC-714, 506 S. Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL 61801, USA.
DISCLAIMER: TRIGGER is provided "as is" for information purposes only and without warranty of any kind, express or implied. Users shall assume the entire risk as to the accuracy and usefulness of information in TRIGGER. Opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of the editors or their employers. You may share TRIGGER with your scientific colleagues but you are not permitted to use it or its contents for commercial purposes.
The Twice-Monthly Electronic Newsletter on the Biology of Tissue Factor, Factor VII and TFPI
Vol. 18, No. 22 November 15, 2012
(The next issue will be on December 3, 2012)
TRIGGER is also available by RSS Feed:
and BLOG:
None Submitted for this issue.
POSTDOCTORAL POSITION - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
We are seeking a highly qualified and motivated individual for one Postdoctoral Position in the Division of Hematology at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and The University of Pennsylvania. This is a joint position available immediately in the laboratories of Dr.
Katherine A. High and Dr. Paris Margaritis. This position will be devoted to studying the biological and therapeutic effects of blood coagulation factor expression in vitro or in vivo in appropriate models. Applicants for this position should have a strong background in molecular biology and have experience working with transgenic/gene targeted mouse models. Applicants with experience in coagulation protein biochemistry and tissue culture are strongly encouraged to apply. Candidates should have successfully earned an advanced degree (M.D. or Ph.D.), have excellent communications skills and be willing to work on a multidisciplinary team. Highly competitive salary and benefits are offered. Curriculum vitae and three references should be sent to:
Drs. Katherine A. High and Paris Margaritis, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Division of Hematology, Colket Translational Research Building, Rm 5000, 3501 Civic Center Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA.
TEL: (215)-590-4521 (High), (267)-426-7262 (Margaritis).
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania are Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employers. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
(Note from the Editors: Please note that the email addresses above have been modified to prevent SPAM. When clicking on the links or typing them into your email program, please replace the "AT" with "@" and the "DOT" with "." and remove all spaces. Thank you.)
Papers are culled from NLM MedLine (PubMed). Titles in square brackets indicate that the paper was not published in English. References that lack volume or page numbers are typically electronic pre-publications (E-pubs) ahead of the print publication; if so, the final citation with volume and page numbers may or may not appear in a future issue of Trigger.
Anonymous (2012) [The mutation of genes of hemostasis system in patients with venous cerebral angiodystonia against the background of connective tissue dysplasia]. Klin Lab Diagn:33-36.
Ahmad S, Ahmad A, Rancourt RC, Neeves KB, Loader JE, Hendry-Hofer T, . . . White CW (2012) Tissue Factor Signals Airway Epithelial Basal Cell Survival via Coagulation and PAR1/2. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol.
Ahnstrom J, Andersson HM, Hockey V, Meng Y, McKinnon TA, Hamuro T, . . . Lane DA (2012) Identification of functionally important residues in TFPI Kunitz domain 3 required for the enhancement of its activity by protein S. Blood.
Alioglu B, Ozsoy MH, Tapci E, Karamercan S, Agras PI, Dallar Y (2012) Successful use of recombinant factor VIIa in a child with Schoenlein-Henoch purpura presenting with compartment syndrome and severe factor XIII deficiency. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis.
Arda-Pirincci P, Oztay F, Bayrak BB, Yanardag R, Bolkent S (2012) Teduglutide, a glucagon-like peptide 2 analogue: A novel protective agent with anti-apoptotic and anti-oxidant properties in mice with lung injury. Peptides.
Bolton-Maggs PH (2012) The rare inherited coagulation disorders. Pediatr Blood Cancer.
Boyle JJ, Christou I, Iqbal MB, Nguyen AT, Leung VW, Evans PC, . . . Haskard DO (2012) Solid-phase immunoglobulins IgG and IgM activate macrophages with solid-phase IgM acting via a novel scavenger receptor a pathway. Am J Pathol 181:347-361.
Breitenstein A, Sluka SH, Akhmedov A, Stivala S, Steffel J, Camici GG, . . . Tanner FC (2012) Dronedarone reduces arterial thrombus formation. Basic Res Cardiol 107:302.
Caballo C, Escolar G, Diaz-Ricart M, Lopez-Vilchez I, Lozano M, Cid J, . . . Galan AM (2012) Impact of experimental haemodilution on platelet function, thrombin generation and clot firmness: effects of different coagulation factor concentrates. Blood Transfus:1-10.
Cavallari N, Balestra D, Branchini A, Maestri I, Chuamsunrit A, Sasanakul W, . . . Pinotti M (2012) Activation of a cryptic splice site in a potentially lethal coagulation defect accounts for a functional protein variant. Biochim Biophys Acta 1822:1109-1113.
Cooper DK, Ekser B, Burlak C, Ezzelarab M, Hara H, Paris L, . . . Pierson RN, 3rd (2012) Clinical lung xenotransplantation--what donor genetic modifications may be necessary? Xenotransplantation 19:144-158.
Cugno M, Castelli R, Mari D, Mozzi E, Zappa MA, Boscolo-Anzoletti M, . . . Mannucci PM (2012) Inflammatory and prothrombotic parameters in normotensive non-diabetic obese women: effect of weight loss obtained by gastric banding. Intern Emerg Med 7:237-242.
Deanda A, Jr., Hymes K (2012) Thrombosis and Recombinant Factor VIIa: Letter 1. Ann Thorac Surg 94:1783.
Dudash LA, Kligman F, Sarett SM, Kottke-Marchant K, Marchant RE (2012) Endothelial cell attachment and shear response on biomimetic polymer-coated vascular grafts. J Biomed Mater Res A 100:2204-2210.
Dutra LA, Braga-Neto P, Pedroso JL, Barsottini OG (2012) Sneddon's syndrome: case report and review of its relationship with antiphospholipid syndrome. Einstein (Sao Paulo) 10:230-232.
Elden L, Reinders M, Witmer C (2012) Predictors of bleeding disorders in children with epistaxis: value of preoperative tests and clinical screening. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 76:767-771.
Eleftheriou D, Ganesan V, Hong Y, Klein NJ, Brogan PA (2012) Endothelial injury in childhood stroke with cerebral arteriopathy: A cross-sectional study. Neurology.
Funderburg NT, Zidar DA, Shive C, Lioi A, Mudd J, Musselwhite LW, . . . Lederman MM (2012) Shared monocyte subset phenotypes in HIV-1 infection and in uninfected subjects with acute coronary syndromes. Blood.
Geiser F, Gessler K, Conrad R, Imbierowicz K, Albus C, Harbrecht U (2012) Can activation of coagulation and impairment of fibrinolysis in patients with anxiety and depression be reversed after improvement of psychiatric symptoms? Results of a pilot study. J Nerv Ment Dis 200:721-723.
Godoi LC, Gomes KB, Alpoim PN, Carvalho M, Lwaleed BA, Sant'Ana Dusse LM (2012) Preeclampsia: the role of tissue factor and tissue factor pathway inhibitor. J Thromb Thrombolysis 34:1-6.
Hall CL, Zaman FS (2012) A computational analysis of an in vitro vessel wall injury model. Ann Biomed Eng 40:1486-1494.
Hernandez Vera R, Vilahur G, Ferrer-Lorente R, Pena E, Badimon L (2012) Platelets derived from the bone marrow of diabetic animals show dysregulated endoplasmic reticulum stress proteins that contribute to increased thrombosis. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 32:2141-2148.
Ho KM, Litton E (2012) Cost-effectiveness of using recombinant activated factor VII as an off-label rescue treatment for critical bleeding requiring massive transfusion. Transfusion 52:1696-1702.
Jin YH, Wang MS, Zheng FX, Xie YS, Xie HX, Xu PF (2012) [Molecular genetics and clinical features of nine patients with inherited coagulation factor VII deficiency]. Zhonghua Yi Xue Yi Chuan Xue Za Zhi 29:404-407.
Katsuyama T, Sada KE, Katayama A, Hinamoto N, Wakabayashi H, Kawabata T, Makino H (2012) Acquired haemophilia in a patient with Castleman's disease: a case report. Haemophilia 18:e360-362.
Knight M, Fitzpatrick K, Kurinczuk JJ, Tuffnell D (2012) Use of recombinant factor VIIa in patients with amniotic fluid embolism. Anesthesiology 117:423; author reply 423-424.
Lee KG, Lee H, Ha JM, Lee YK, Kang HJ, Park CG, Kim SJ (2012) Increased human tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels induce procoagulant change in porcine endothelial cells in vitro. Xenotransplantation 19:186-195.
Lippi G, Favaloro EJ, Cervellin G (2012) Massive Posttraumatic Bleeding: Epidemiology, Causes, Clinical Features, and Therapeutic Management. Semin Thromb Hemost.
Lupu C, Herlea O, Tang H, Lijnen RH, Lupu F (2012) Plasmin-dependent proteolysis of Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor in a mouse model of endotoxemia. J Thromb Haemost.
Magnusson M, Fischler B, Svensson J, Petrini P, Schulman S, Nemeth A (2012) Bile acids and coagulation factors: paradoxical association in children with chronic liver disease. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol.
Mitrophanov AY, Rosendaal FR, Reifman J (2012) Therapeutic correction of thrombin generation in dilution-induced coagulopathy: computational analysis based on a data set of healthy subjects. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 73:S95-S102.
Mitrovic M, Elezovic I, Suvajdzic-Vukovic N, Antic D (2012) Successful non-standard approaches to massive hemoptysis in invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. Srp Arh Celok Lek 140:505-507.
Moosdorf R (2012) Aortic Valve Thrombosis After Treatment With Recombinant Factor VIIa: Letter 2. Ann Thorac Surg 94:1783-1784.
Neal MD, Marsh A, Marino R, Kautza B, Raval JS, Forsythe RM, . . . Sperry JL (2012) Massive transfusion: an evidence-based review of recent developments. Arch Surg 147:563-571.
Peled E, Davis M, Axelman E, Norman D, Nadir Y (2012) Heapranase role in the treatment of avascular necrosis of femur head. Thromb Res.
Perry JR (2012) Thromboembolic disease in patients with high-grade glioma. Neuro Oncol 14 Suppl 4:iv73-iv80.
Pircher J, Merkle M, Wornle M, Ribeiro A, Czermak T, Stampnik Y, . . . Krotz F (2012) Prothrombotic effects of tumor necrosis factor alpha in vivo are amplified by the absence of TNF-alpha receptor subtype 1 and require TNF-alpha receptor subtype 2. Arthritis Res Ther 14:R225.
Qi L, Li JM, Sun H, Huang XQ, Lin KQ, Chu JY, Yang ZQ (2012) [Association between gene polymorphisms and myocardial infarction in Han Chinese of Yunnan province]. Zhonghua Yi Xue Yi Chuan Xue Za Zhi 29:413-419.
Ro H, Lee EW, Hong JH, Han KH, Yeom HJ, Kim HJ, . . . Yang J (2012) Roles of Islet Toll-like Receptors in Pig to Mouse Islet Xenotransplantation. Cell Transplant.
Saja MF, Abdo AA, Sanai FM, Shaikh SA, Gader AG (2012) The coagulopathy of liver disease: does vitamin K help? Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis.
Sattler S, Schwartz A (2012) Does the use of recombinant factor VIIA reduce morbidity or mortality in nonhemophiliac patients? Ann Emerg Med 60:160-161.
Sauna ZE, Pandey GS, Jain N, Mahmood I, Kimchi-Sarfaty C, Golding B (2012) Plasma derivatives: new products and new approaches. Biologicals 40:191-195.
Singh A, Foster GD, Gunawardana J, McCoy TA, Nguyen T, Vander Veur S, . . . Rao AK (2012) Elevated circulating tissue factor procoagulant activity, factor VII, and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in childhood obesity: evidence of a procoagulant state. Br J Haematol 158:523-527.
Skeppholm M, Mobarrez F, Malmqvist K, Wallen H (2012) Platelet-derived microparticles during and after acute coronary syndrome. Thromb Haemost 107:1122-1129.
Smejkal P, Bulikova A, Chlupova G, Zavrelova J (2012) [Acquired haemophilia A]. Vnitr Lek 58:571-578.
Stavik B, Skretting G, Olstad OK, Sletten M, Dehli Vigeland M, Sandset PM, Iversen N (2012) TFPI Alpha and Beta Regulate mRNAs and microRNAs Involved in Cancer Biology and in the Immune System in Breast Cancer Cells. PLoS One 7:e47184.
Steward RG, Saleh OA, James AH, Shah AA, Price TM (2012) Management of gynecologic surgery in the patient with factor XI deficiency: a review of the literature. Obstet Gynecol Surv 67:291-297.
Suzuki A, Miyawaki Y, Okuyama E, Murata M, Ando Y, Kato I, . . . Kojima T (2012) Ribavirin-induced intracellular GTP depletion activates transcription elongation in coagulation factor VII gene expression. Biochem J.
Tardy-Poncet B, Piot M, Brunet D, Chapelle C, Bonardel M, Mismetti P, . . . Tardy B (2012) TFPI resistance related to inherited or acquired protein S deficiency. Thromb Res.
Thaler J, Preusser M, Ay C, Kaider A, Marosi C, Zielinski C, . . . Hainfellner JA (2012) Intratumoral tissue factor expression and risk of venous thromboembolism in brain tumor patients. Thromb Res.
Valentino LA, Walsh CE, Reding MT, Young GA, Levendoglu-Tugal O, Cooper DL (2012) Patient- and caregiver-reported bleeding symptoms and reasons for starting and stopping treatment with recombinant factor VIIa: analysis of the Dosing Observational Study in Haemophilia (DOSE). Haemophilia 18:554-560.
Van Dreden P, Woodhams B, Rousseau A, Dreyfus JF, Vasse M (2012) Contribution of procoagulant phospholipids, thrombomodulin activity and thrombin generation assays as prognostic factors in intensive care patients with septic and non-septic organ failure. Clin Chem Lab Med.
Van Geffen M, Menegatti M, Loof A, Lap P, Karimi M, Laros-van Gorkom BA, . . . Van Heerde WL (2012) Retrospective evaluation of bleeding tendency and simultaneous thrombin and plasmin generation in patients with rare bleeding disorders. Haemophilia 18:630-638.
Walenga JM, Jeske WP, Hoppensteadt D, Cunanan J, Khan H, Escalante V, . . . Bakhos M (2012) Comparative Studies on Branded Enoxaparin and a US Generic Version of Enoxaparin. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost.
Wunderink RG, Mandell L (2012) Adjunctive therapy in community-acquired pneumonia. Semin Respir Crit Care Med 33:311-318.
Zangari M, Berno T, Zhan F, Tricot G, Fink L (2012) Mechanisms of Thrombosis in Paraproteinemias: The Effects of Immunomodulatory Drugs. Semin Thromb Hemost.
Zderic TW, Hamilton MT (2012) Identification of hemostatic genes expressed in human and rat leg muscles and a novel gene (LPP1/PAP2A) suppressed during prolonged physical inactivity (sitting). Lipids Health Dis 11:137.
Anonymous (2012) [The mutation of genes of hemostasis system in patients with venous cerebral angiodystonia against the background of connective tissue dysplasia]. Klin Lab Diagn:33-36.
Ahmad S, Ahmad A, Rancourt RC, Neeves KB, Loader JE, Hendry-Hofer T, . . . White CW (2012) Tissue Factor Signals Airway Epithelial Basal Cell Survival via Coagulation and PAR1/2. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol.
Ahnstrom J, Andersson HM, Hockey V, Meng Y, McKinnon TA, Hamuro T, . . . Lane DA (2012) Identification of functionally important residues in TFPI Kunitz domain 3 required for the enhancement of its activity by protein S. Blood.
Alioglu B, Ozsoy MH, Tapci E, Karamercan S, Agras PI, Dallar Y (2012) Successful use of recombinant factor VIIa in a child with Schoenlein-Henoch purpura presenting with compartment syndrome and severe factor XIII deficiency. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis.
Arda-Pirincci P, Oztay F, Bayrak BB, Yanardag R, Bolkent S (2012) Teduglutide, a glucagon-like peptide 2 analogue: A novel protective agent with anti-apoptotic and anti-oxidant properties in mice with lung injury. Peptides.
Bolton-Maggs PH (2012) The rare inherited coagulation disorders. Pediatr Blood Cancer.
Boyle JJ, Christou I, Iqbal MB, Nguyen AT, Leung VW, Evans PC, . . . Haskard DO (2012) Solid-phase immunoglobulins IgG and IgM activate macrophages with solid-phase IgM acting via a novel scavenger receptor a pathway. Am J Pathol 181:347-361.
Breitenstein A, Sluka SH, Akhmedov A, Stivala S, Steffel J, Camici GG, . . . Tanner FC (2012) Dronedarone reduces arterial thrombus formation. Basic Res Cardiol 107:302.
Caballo C, Escolar G, Diaz-Ricart M, Lopez-Vilchez I, Lozano M, Cid J, . . . Galan AM (2012) Impact of experimental haemodilution on platelet function, thrombin generation and clot firmness: effects of different coagulation factor concentrates. Blood Transfus:1-10.
Cavallari N, Balestra D, Branchini A, Maestri I, Chuamsunrit A, Sasanakul W, . . . Pinotti M (2012) Activation of a cryptic splice site in a potentially lethal coagulation defect accounts for a functional protein variant. Biochim Biophys Acta 1822:1109-1113.
Cooper DK, Ekser B, Burlak C, Ezzelarab M, Hara H, Paris L, . . . Pierson RN, 3rd (2012) Clinical lung xenotransplantation--what donor genetic modifications may be necessary? Xenotransplantation 19:144-158.
Cugno M, Castelli R, Mari D, Mozzi E, Zappa MA, Boscolo-Anzoletti M, . . . Mannucci PM (2012) Inflammatory and prothrombotic parameters in normotensive non-diabetic obese women: effect of weight loss obtained by gastric banding. Intern Emerg Med 7:237-242.
Deanda A, Jr., Hymes K (2012) Thrombosis and Recombinant Factor VIIa: Letter 1. Ann Thorac Surg 94:1783.
Dudash LA, Kligman F, Sarett SM, Kottke-Marchant K, Marchant RE (2012) Endothelial cell attachment and shear response on biomimetic polymer-coated vascular grafts. J Biomed Mater Res A 100:2204-2210.
Dutra LA, Braga-Neto P, Pedroso JL, Barsottini OG (2012) Sneddon's syndrome: case report and review of its relationship with antiphospholipid syndrome. Einstein (Sao Paulo) 10:230-232.
Elden L, Reinders M, Witmer C (2012) Predictors of bleeding disorders in children with epistaxis: value of preoperative tests and clinical screening. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 76:767-771.
Eleftheriou D, Ganesan V, Hong Y, Klein NJ, Brogan PA (2012) Endothelial injury in childhood stroke with cerebral arteriopathy: A cross-sectional study. Neurology.
Funderburg NT, Zidar DA, Shive C, Lioi A, Mudd J, Musselwhite LW, . . . Lederman MM (2012) Shared monocyte subset phenotypes in HIV-1 infection and in uninfected subjects with acute coronary syndromes. Blood.
Geiser F, Gessler K, Conrad R, Imbierowicz K, Albus C, Harbrecht U (2012) Can activation of coagulation and impairment of fibrinolysis in patients with anxiety and depression be reversed after improvement of psychiatric symptoms? Results of a pilot study. J Nerv Ment Dis 200:721-723.
Godoi LC, Gomes KB, Alpoim PN, Carvalho M, Lwaleed BA, Sant'Ana Dusse LM (2012) Preeclampsia: the role of tissue factor and tissue factor pathway inhibitor. J Thromb Thrombolysis 34:1-6.
Hall CL, Zaman FS (2012) A computational analysis of an in vitro vessel wall injury model. Ann Biomed Eng 40:1486-1494.
Hernandez Vera R, Vilahur G, Ferrer-Lorente R, Pena E, Badimon L (2012) Platelets derived from the bone marrow of diabetic animals show dysregulated endoplasmic reticulum stress proteins that contribute to increased thrombosis. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 32:2141-2148.
Ho KM, Litton E (2012) Cost-effectiveness of using recombinant activated factor VII as an off-label rescue treatment for critical bleeding requiring massive transfusion. Transfusion 52:1696-1702.
Jin YH, Wang MS, Zheng FX, Xie YS, Xie HX, Xu PF (2012) [Molecular genetics and clinical features of nine patients with inherited coagulation factor VII deficiency]. Zhonghua Yi Xue Yi Chuan Xue Za Zhi 29:404-407.
Katsuyama T, Sada KE, Katayama A, Hinamoto N, Wakabayashi H, Kawabata T, Makino H (2012) Acquired haemophilia in a patient with Castleman's disease: a case report. Haemophilia 18:e360-362.
Knight M, Fitzpatrick K, Kurinczuk JJ, Tuffnell D (2012) Use of recombinant factor VIIa in patients with amniotic fluid embolism. Anesthesiology 117:423; author reply 423-424.
Lee KG, Lee H, Ha JM, Lee YK, Kang HJ, Park CG, Kim SJ (2012) Increased human tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels induce procoagulant change in porcine endothelial cells in vitro. Xenotransplantation 19:186-195.
Lippi G, Favaloro EJ, Cervellin G (2012) Massive Posttraumatic Bleeding: Epidemiology, Causes, Clinical Features, and Therapeutic Management. Semin Thromb Hemost.
Lupu C, Herlea O, Tang H, Lijnen RH, Lupu F (2012) Plasmin-dependent proteolysis of Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor in a mouse model of endotoxemia. J Thromb Haemost.
Magnusson M, Fischler B, Svensson J, Petrini P, Schulman S, Nemeth A (2012) Bile acids and coagulation factors: paradoxical association in children with chronic liver disease. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol.
Mitrophanov AY, Rosendaal FR, Reifman J (2012) Therapeutic correction of thrombin generation in dilution-induced coagulopathy: computational analysis based on a data set of healthy subjects. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 73:S95-S102.
Mitrovic M, Elezovic I, Suvajdzic-Vukovic N, Antic D (2012) Successful non-standard approaches to massive hemoptysis in invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. Srp Arh Celok Lek 140:505-507.
Moosdorf R (2012) Aortic Valve Thrombosis After Treatment With Recombinant Factor VIIa: Letter 2. Ann Thorac Surg 94:1783-1784.
Neal MD, Marsh A, Marino R, Kautza B, Raval JS, Forsythe RM, . . . Sperry JL (2012) Massive transfusion: an evidence-based review of recent developments. Arch Surg 147:563-571.
Peled E, Davis M, Axelman E, Norman D, Nadir Y (2012) Heapranase role in the treatment of avascular necrosis of femur head. Thromb Res.
Perry JR (2012) Thromboembolic disease in patients with high-grade glioma. Neuro Oncol 14 Suppl 4:iv73-iv80.
Pircher J, Merkle M, Wornle M, Ribeiro A, Czermak T, Stampnik Y, . . . Krotz F (2012) Prothrombotic effects of tumor necrosis factor alpha in vivo are amplified by the absence of TNF-alpha receptor subtype 1 and require TNF-alpha receptor subtype 2. Arthritis Res Ther 14:R225.
Qi L, Li JM, Sun H, Huang XQ, Lin KQ, Chu JY, Yang ZQ (2012) [Association between gene polymorphisms and myocardial infarction in Han Chinese of Yunnan province]. Zhonghua Yi Xue Yi Chuan Xue Za Zhi 29:413-419.
Ro H, Lee EW, Hong JH, Han KH, Yeom HJ, Kim HJ, . . . Yang J (2012) Roles of Islet Toll-like Receptors in Pig to Mouse Islet Xenotransplantation. Cell Transplant.
Saja MF, Abdo AA, Sanai FM, Shaikh SA, Gader AG (2012) The coagulopathy of liver disease: does vitamin K help? Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis.
Sattler S, Schwartz A (2012) Does the use of recombinant factor VIIA reduce morbidity or mortality in nonhemophiliac patients? Ann Emerg Med 60:160-161.
Sauna ZE, Pandey GS, Jain N, Mahmood I, Kimchi-Sarfaty C, Golding B (2012) Plasma derivatives: new products and new approaches. Biologicals 40:191-195.
Singh A, Foster GD, Gunawardana J, McCoy TA, Nguyen T, Vander Veur S, . . . Rao AK (2012) Elevated circulating tissue factor procoagulant activity, factor VII, and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in childhood obesity: evidence of a procoagulant state. Br J Haematol 158:523-527.
Skeppholm M, Mobarrez F, Malmqvist K, Wallen H (2012) Platelet-derived microparticles during and after acute coronary syndrome. Thromb Haemost 107:1122-1129.
Smejkal P, Bulikova A, Chlupova G, Zavrelova J (2012) [Acquired haemophilia A]. Vnitr Lek 58:571-578.
Stavik B, Skretting G, Olstad OK, Sletten M, Dehli Vigeland M, Sandset PM, Iversen N (2012) TFPI Alpha and Beta Regulate mRNAs and microRNAs Involved in Cancer Biology and in the Immune System in Breast Cancer Cells. PLoS One 7:e47184.
Steward RG, Saleh OA, James AH, Shah AA, Price TM (2012) Management of gynecologic surgery in the patient with factor XI deficiency: a review of the literature. Obstet Gynecol Surv 67:291-297.
Suzuki A, Miyawaki Y, Okuyama E, Murata M, Ando Y, Kato I, . . . Kojima T (2012) Ribavirin-induced intracellular GTP depletion activates transcription elongation in coagulation factor VII gene expression. Biochem J.
Tardy-Poncet B, Piot M, Brunet D, Chapelle C, Bonardel M, Mismetti P, . . . Tardy B (2012) TFPI resistance related to inherited or acquired protein S deficiency. Thromb Res.
Thaler J, Preusser M, Ay C, Kaider A, Marosi C, Zielinski C, . . . Hainfellner JA (2012) Intratumoral tissue factor expression and risk of venous thromboembolism in brain tumor patients. Thromb Res.
Valentino LA, Walsh CE, Reding MT, Young GA, Levendoglu-Tugal O, Cooper DL (2012) Patient- and caregiver-reported bleeding symptoms and reasons for starting and stopping treatment with recombinant factor VIIa: analysis of the Dosing Observational Study in Haemophilia (DOSE). Haemophilia 18:554-560.
Van Dreden P, Woodhams B, Rousseau A, Dreyfus JF, Vasse M (2012) Contribution of procoagulant phospholipids, thrombomodulin activity and thrombin generation assays as prognostic factors in intensive care patients with septic and non-septic organ failure. Clin Chem Lab Med.
Van Geffen M, Menegatti M, Loof A, Lap P, Karimi M, Laros-van Gorkom BA, . . . Van Heerde WL (2012) Retrospective evaluation of bleeding tendency and simultaneous thrombin and plasmin generation in patients with rare bleeding disorders. Haemophilia 18:630-638.
Walenga JM, Jeske WP, Hoppensteadt D, Cunanan J, Khan H, Escalante V, . . . Bakhos M (2012) Comparative Studies on Branded Enoxaparin and a US Generic Version of Enoxaparin. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost.
Wunderink RG, Mandell L (2012) Adjunctive therapy in community-acquired pneumonia. Semin Respir Crit Care Med 33:311-318.
Zangari M, Berno T, Zhan F, Tricot G, Fink L (2012) Mechanisms of Thrombosis in Paraproteinemias: The Effects of Immunomodulatory Drugs. Semin Thromb Hemost.
Zderic TW, Hamilton MT (2012) Identification of hemostatic genes expressed in human and rat leg muscles and a novel gene (LPP1/PAP2A) suppressed during prolonged physical inactivity (sitting). Lipids Health Dis 11:137.
TRIGGER is edited by Jim Morrissey and Pierre Neuenschwander, with editorial assistance by Genie Morrissey. It includes Abstracts of Papers in Press, Meeting Announcements, Positions Sought/Available,or any other pertinent item that subscribers may want to share with their colleagues. To submit an item for publication in Trigger, e-mail us. To request or cancel a subscription,or for more information about TRIGGER or the biology of tissue factor and factor VII, visit our web site. You can also contact us by mail: J.H. Morrissey, University of Illinois College of Medicine, 417 Med Sci Bldg MC-714, 506 S. Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL 61801, USA.
DISCLAIMER: TRIGGER is provided "as is" for information purposes only and without warranty of any kind, express or implied. Users shall assume the entire risk as to the accuracy and usefulness of information in TRIGGER. Opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of the editors or their employers. You may share TRIGGER with your scientific colleagues but you are not permitted to use it or its contents for commercial purposes.
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